Performance & Fleet Propane
OEM Systems - Components - Conversions


Propane Edge Group Company Overview
Investors, please inquire about our complete business plan

New Opportunity

There is a large unfulfilled need for a fuel efficient propane conversion system for internal combustion engines to increase power and performance along with improved economy; not so much miles per gallon as much as reducing dollars per mile.

The sales potential is in the billions of dollars for the PEG system, considering all the delivery and truck fleets in the market.

Our new proprietary liquid propane injection system (LPI) is a new technology warmly received by the fleet industry as a major break through. Our customers return on investment for each truck is approximately 24 months, which depends on how many miles the vehicle is driven per year. This rapid return on investment is accomplished by the reduced fuel cost and increased fuel efficiency.

Propane Edges' technology uses computer controlled liquid injected propane for Autogas, in addition to throttle body systems; and is tailored to effectively convert engines currently running on diesel or gasoline to clean fuel efficient propane.

The timing is right, with the United States trying to reduce its dependency of foreign oil, 87% of propane used in the US is produced within the US. The US has enough oil and natural gas to produce 100% of the propane we need in US.
President Obama's new stimulus package, which encourages municipalities to use alternative fueled vehicles, offers government grants to cover a portion of the cost of establishing propane refueling infrastructures.The government encourages the use of cleaner-burning propane for fueling motor vehicles. Since 2006, numerous Propane Motor Fuel Tax Credits and the IRS have offered incentives.

Pump up jobs with the Propane Gas Act
The Propane Gas Act legislation will help create 30,000 to 40,000 new jobs for Americans while reducing our dependence on foreign oil and saving us major 'green,' both on paper and in the environment. Fleets operating on alternative fuels such as propane can now take advantage of income tax credits of up to 50 cents per gallon.
We will work in conjunction with local propane marketers and consult with customers on the possibilities of setting up an on-site propane fueling station which will save companies time and money in refueling costs. 

Product and Services

Propane Edge products are designed for fleet and performance applications.  Also, we are expanding our R&D to include new products for the agricultural, military and consumer markets.

Propane Edge Group products are customized for our customer's specific vehicle; this requires calibration time, labor and tank sizing for the first vehicle. Once ready, the system will be installed on the customer's vehicle to test for approximately one month. After the first unit is tuned, the remainder of the fleet can be fitted with the system.
Our services include:

·        Installation of our products
·        Long term maintenance and service contracts
·        Educating our fleet customers on the benefits of PEG products
·        Procuring on-site fueling stations for our customers

Propane Edge Group will use its patented designs to fill the need in the market for an easier to use, more effective propane fuel system.

Propane AKA LPG and Autogas

Propane, also known as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Autogas, is a by-product derived from refining natural gas and crude oil. LPG already has an infrastructure of pipelines and processing storage facilities, putting propane ahead of the curve regarding efficient distribution. This distribution system has made propane available at thousands of vehicle fuel stations across the United States. Currently the most accessible of all alternative fuels, Propane can be found at approximately 6,000 publicly accessible US facilities. Refueling requires adequate ventilation due to increased flammability of liquid propane gas. Filling stations are designed with adequate ventilation in mind and with most facilities having the actual depots in uncovered, outdoor locales.
When it comes to propane, most people think about it as a fuel for their hot water heaters and barbecue grills, but it has a much broader application.

Propane Powered Vehicles
Propane is the fuel of choice for thousands of forklifts, taxis, and school buses across the nation; all are taking advantage of the clean power of propane fuel. Propane is the third most common vehicular fuel, with over 8,000,000 vehicles worldwide using it. The thousands of filling stations in the United States have allowed propane to gain a comfortable foothold in the alternative fuel infrastructure.

PEG has solved the problem of using propane in cold / hot climates with its proprietary patent pending liquid fuel delivery system and injectors, which now opens the market up to an unlimited array of vehicles and applications.

Propane has enjoyed worldwide use since the 1920's and when you consider that LPG (Autogas) offers fewer ozone forming emissions with less expense than gasoline; you begin to see the benefits of this alternative fuel. While society is most familiar with it as a fuel for the backyard barbecue grill and home appliances, propane fuel powers more than 200,000 vehicles and that number is growing. Many vehicle fleets are utilizing the power of propane power - from taxis and school buses to police cars and mail vehicles.

Advantages of Propane over Natural Gas

Natural gas, when discharged into the environment is a greenhouse gas whereas propane is not classified as such. Propane is not toxic or damaging and will not harm the environment if it is released into the atmosphere, which is why it is not labeled as a greenhouse gas. Therefore, while propane will not contribute to pollution in its unused state if released, natural gas will. Propane is a
green fuel before combustion and remains environmentally friendly even after it is used.

·        Propane (LPG or Autogas) is not a greenhouse gas
·        It takes five units of CNG to equal one unit of propane
·        Propane provides more power for fleet engines than natural gas
·        CNG fueling stations can cost nearly 2,000,000 dollars, with propane fueling stations costing only around 25,000 dollars

Propane can be easily stored in its natural liquid state - CNG has to be highly compressed to around 3800 lbs. making for a dangerous situation and takes a lot of time for refueling

Competitive Edge
Currently there is no similar product in the market that is as effective as the Propane Edge system.  We have the capability to convert larger engines, along with performance applications. Also, our proprietary delivery system and injectors allow our system to work in cold / hot environments; a problem our competitors cannot overcome. The competing devices currently on the market are only in the early development stages and are having technical problems.

The launch of our products is expected to be warmly welcomed by the vehicle industry as a breakthrough and we will continue research and development in the field of fuel economy and increased performance for a growing number of engine families.
Fleets will realize immediate cost savings, with a rapid return on their investment due to: 1· Fuel cost savings - approximately 50%2· Less labor due to less refueling time3· Increased performance4· Possible tax credits for cleaner fuel5· Fewer emissions - approximately 50%

Benefits to Fleets Considering PropaneSwitching to propane will not only benefit the environment; it will also improve the company bottom line. With up to 56,000 miles of pipeline and more than 6,000 retail dealer locations, propane is readily available throughout the country. Propane is also the only alternative fuel with fueling stations located in every state. Approved by the Environmental Protection Agency as a clean, low-carbon alternative fuel, propane leads all transportation fuels in producing the lowest greenhouse gas emissions (U.S. Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center). Propane is nontoxic, so it is not harmful to soil or water, and is listed in both the 1990 Clean Air Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992 for being one of the cleanest burning of all fossil fuels.

Long-term Plan (Phase II)

Phase II includes:

·        Military contracts
·        Agricultural equipment
·        Pumps (agricultural, municipals)
·        Consumer small engine equipment (generators, mowers, etc.) 
·        Over-the-road semi trucking

Contact for more information:

Thomas Direct - 815-735-0421- Email: [email protected]

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